Saturday, July 21, 2007

O How the Turn Table Turns

Sometimes I ask myself. why, why why why... Ive gone from 3 possibles for Active Army to 1 going army reserve. All because the American education system has failed the next generation. This one kid is a member of the national honor society, 4.0 + GPA 20 plus on the ACT, youth group leader, model UN cheif. Has a great personality, well spoken, and is actually clean ( thats a rarety around here ) The whole time throughout the appointment Im thinking to myself dam he might be OCS material. He wants to be a doctor, but his family has a military backround and wants to go that route. Im all for it naturally. I give him the EST.. and

I SHIT MYSELF. Literally. I felt like fukin fainting, and pissing on all his teachers from k-11 grade.

AN 18. Its official.. the only way for anyone around here to join is for them to score just above 31. the highest ive seen so far.. (granted it hasnt bee that long but it is an 8th grade test) 53 naturally though hes a fat ass living at home sucking life out of his parents cuz he wont go get a job and actually make himself usefull to society, and get from off his ass and loss some weight.

Anyway Im sure its all my fault. I suck, beacause this town has a shit ass education system. I suck because kids love X-BOX and PS3, and wieght 240LBS, I suck becuase no one can graduate HS, I suck becuase they al love the dope.

O well i got one AR for next week so far.. at least its something. no one else has anything other than one so far too. so maybe we will all have a low producer luncheon or something.....


Anonymous said...

Ah... it's like there is a script we follow when we all start that three year tour...

SFC Guard Recruda said...

Never count on the EST to be accurate. I have guys score a 18 on EST and pass the ASVAB. asvab everyone, you will get lucky.